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Menai Public School 4R Hall Dr, Menai, NSW, Australia

Please join us for this special service where we will participate in a Messianic Passover. This is the first of our Easter season special services. Marvel at the ancient Passover ceremony and how God's amazing story finds it deepest fulfilment in Jesus who shared the Passover with his disciples and revealed its meaning. For catering […]

Service of Shadows

Menai Public School 4R Hall Dr, Menai, NSW, Australia

Join us for this quiet, reflective service with communion. Service will be held at Menai Public School.

Good Friday Service

Menai Baptist Church 77 Billa Road, Bangor, NSW, Australia

Join us for this family-friendly, reflective service as the Easter weekend begins.

Good Friday Picnic

Burnum Burnum Sanctuary, Woronora Washington Drive, Woronora, NSW

Join us after our Good Friday service down at Burnum Burnum Sanctuary, Woronora. BYO picnic items.


Easter Sunday Service

Menai Baptist Church 77 Billa Road, Bangor, NSW, Australia

Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ this Easter. Stay around afterwards for a hot cross bun at morning tea!