
One of the ways our members participate with God in his mission is through our financial giving. Giving at MBC contributes to the vision and mission of our church. 

Tithes, offerings, Care Fund or other gifts can be given in several ways:

Direct Deposit

You can give via direct deposit to:
‘Menai Baptist Church’
BSB: 032-112 Acct: 223053

(Please use the “reference” field in your direct deposit to indicate the type of offering.)

Give online

Click on the button below to give online


On Sunday mornings you are welcome to use the envelopes and boxes provided near the PAC doors on the left of the stage.

Ready to Transform Your Space?

This is your chance to invite visitors to contact you. Tell them you’ll be happy to answer all their questions as soon as possible.
We're on a break

5PM service

Our 5pm service is ‘on break’ over the school holidays. We’ll be back on Sunday 20 October.

You are welcome to join us in the mornings at Inaburra during this time. Click below for more info!